Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Healthy FaQ Today

Healthy FaQ Today
            Nowadays, everyone wants to have a perfect shape, but the way to get it seems to be difficult. Actually, having a perfect shape is not hard as you think, it just need a right way to get it. I will talk about people with obesity problem in this issue. If you are over weight and try many ways to lose weight and failed, I will tell you some fact about “how to lose weight by healthy way”. Exactly, I’m not talking about using drug or anyways that make you starve.

            First, you have to know that fat isn’t the main subject that make you fat. Many people try to cut the fat from their meals, and then find out that isn’t work to lose their weight. It has many kinds of fat such as good fat and bad fat. Good fat is easy to find in milk and your body needs this kind of fat, so it is unnecessary to choose low fat milk. Bad fat is in many fast food or fried food that contains a huge amount of oil. Let get to the way of healthy diet!
1.      Have a meal in the right time. You don’t have to cut some meal to lose your weight, just control the amount of it. It is useless to have only 2 big meals a day, you’d better have 3 light meals instead.
2.      Don’t miss your breakfast. Breakfast will be your all-day energy, you couldn’t miss it. Good breakfast might have a big amount of carbohydrates that contain a lot of energy.
3.      Light meal in the evening. Forget what someone said that “if you want to lose weight, cut your evening meal”, you’d better have a light meal instead such as vegetable soup with a little rice.
4.      Low carb, not low fat. As I said, the main energy you contained is from carbohydrates. If you don’t use all of them, it will become fat. Why low fat is not the right way, because people who use low fat method will always ‘cut’ all the fat in food, not lowing it. Some kinds of vitamins can be absorbed to your body only by fat.
Steak is a low carb food too!
This is some fact I think they might useful for you. You can follow my column in every issue to see a healthy fact for you. For your kindness, please leave a comment to encourage me to compose the next issue.


  1. boo i think "anyways that make you starve."
    u may use other ways
    ur post is so awesome i got to know many new things. i always get a wrong believe that low carb is low fat.and i agree with u that ur must not skip breakfast in the morning bcus it is an important meal!

  2. I think this article is useful. It give me much more knowledge about good fat. If u have a good article like this, pls let's me know. ;)

  3. I think your post is very good. I think our health should comes first when we on diet.

  4. Your article is very helpful... but it's still sooooo hard to do it the right way. I try to eat less rice in each meal, but I end up having ice-cream afterwards. -*-

  5. This is an very interesting story. Honestly, I always want to lose some weight BUT I can't win my mind all the time. Anyway, I really like your article but I will like more if I can do it, toooo ^w^

  6. Thanks for a good article! I always want to lose weight but don't know which is the right way to lose the weight! Now your article is useful to me :) thank you!

  7. Very nicely written and informative article. In fact I know all of these things but lack the willpower to follow these rules. I need to follow your advice!

  8. i love eating fat food even i knw that it causes me fat
    i cant stop eating :(
